Supporters of Biden in New Hampshire are planning to announce a write-in campaign for the primary election.

Supporters of Biden in New Hampshire are planning to announce a write-in campaign for the primary election.

Supporters of President Biden in New Hampshire are anticipated to reveal their plans for a write-in campaign in the state’s 2024 primary, set to take place at the beginning of next week.

The write-in effort stems from the fact that Mr. Biden’s name will not appear on the New Hampshire primary ballot. He is complying with the primary rules set by the Democratic Party, which changed the order of the primary calendar to make South Carolina

The initial state to conduct a Democratic primary which allocates delegates for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next year.

New Hampshire

The party’s calendar was pushed back, but according to state law, New Hampshire must still hold the first primary elections.

name in its organizing title, as stipulated by the commission.  

Some members of the Democratic party who are knowledgeable about the strategy for mobilizing support have informed CBS News that the launch of this neighboring campaign will come with a notable roster of endorsements from various individuals in New Hampshire for Mr. Biden.

This effort will also counter the presidential primary challenge mounted by Rep. Dean Phillips from Minnesota, a three-term congressman who has been calling for more Democratic primary challengers to Mr. Biden since this summer

Due to concerns about the president’s age of 80, this is partly why.

Although the efforts of the write-in campaign in support of Biden and the outcome of the New Hampshire Democratic primary may not significantly affect his chances of becoming the Democratic nominee, the current dilemma surrounding his candidacy has prompted inquiries into its viability.

George Bruno, a New Hampshire voter and former U.S. ambassador under the Clinton administration, expressed his worries about the presumptive nominee of his party. He saw Biden as a temporary president and that was his initial expectation when he was elected. Bruno stated to CBS News that he didn’t anticipate him serving for two consecutive terms.

“At the age of 80, I can offer some advice,” Bruno stated. “By the time you reach 80, you should not be seeking the presidency – and that applies to Donald Trump as well.”

Bruno mentioned that he is contemplating casting a vote in the Republican primary for the presidential election, since the election regulations in New Hampshire permit over 344,000 registered “undeclared” voters to take part in the primary election for either party.

The quantity of unaffiliated voters has increased in the previous month, with over 3,500 Democrats in the state changing their party affiliation to unaffiliated, according to the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office.

Bruno expressed his desire for Trump to not become the Republican nominee and mentioned the possibility of a strong opponent emerging closer to the primary date. He also noted that this opponent may need some additional support.

