Trump targets DeSantis during Florida GOP conference.

Trump targets DeSantis during Florida GOP conference.

During Florida’s annual Republican summit on Saturday, former President Donald Trump criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, referring to him as “a wounded bird plummeting from the sky.”

At the Gaylord Palms Resort in Kissimmee, near Orlando, the Republican Party’s Freedom Summit was attended by two potential candidates for the 2024 presidential election, along with other contenders such as former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.

The contenders officially registered to participate in the state’s 2024 preliminary election, and then each spoke to an excited audience mostly dressed in patriotic colors. However, it was Trump’s attendance that appeared to take the spotlight during the event.

The third presidential debate, featuring Haley, will take place on November 8 in Miami.

Recently, there has been a steady increase in progress.

Despite recent polls showing her in second place in primary states such as Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, the Republican candidate still lags far behind Trump, who opted out of the first two debates and will not be attending the third.

DeSantis is warmly welcomed in his state of residence.

When DeSantis completed the initial paperwork, he was joined by his spouse, Casey DeSantis, and their 4-year-old son Mason. DeSantis gave his young son a pen to symbolically sign as a witness to his filing. He received a warm round of applause as his wife introduced him on stage.

He used his speech to highlight his achievements as governor, using them as evidence to his followers that the effective methods utilized in Florida can also be implemented on a larger, national level. He also presented it as a blueprint for the Republican party.

DeSantis declared, “We stand up for you in Florida. We triumph for ourselves in Florida, and we guide the state towards a brighter tomorrow. This is our promise and our accomplishment.”


The evening before ends with Trump.

Trump’s speech at the end of the evening lasted more than an hour and attracted the most viewers out of all the candidates. According to CBS News, some voters were willing to pay the summit’s $125 admission fee just to hear the former president speak.

He performed numerous popular songs, using familiar insults such as “Sleepy Joe” and “Crooked Joe” to criticize President Biden.

Trump stated that Biden is not capable of forming coherent sentences, yet he is in charge of our discussions on nuclear matters.

received widespread backlash

In addition to his disapproval of DeSantis, he also made disparaging remarks about Haley, who previously served as the U.N. ambassador under his presidency. Trump also persisted in spreading falsehoods about the outcome of the 2020 election, leading to widespread backlash against him.

has been charged with a crime

There are numerous instances where this applies. However, he…made no reference

The New York civil fraud trial against him and the Trump Organization, which has a value of $250 million, is being presided over by the judge.

has imposed a restricted restriction on speaking against Trump. 

Trump vowed to take action on the immigration issue, assuring his followers that he would carry out “widespread removal” of those living in the country without proper documentation.

He once again emphasized his proposal to construct a barrier along the southern border and condemned Biden’s handling of the issue, mentioning a group of migrants heading towards the United States that is currently situated in Mexico.

“Trump accused Biden of not knowing what to do with it,” is the reworded version.

He discussed the issue of inflation and emphasized the importance of the U.S. becoming “energy independent.” He argued that the U.S. was overly focused on the electric vehicle sector, citing it as an example.his September trip

Traveling to Detroit to attend to the needs of auto workers on strike.

Peter Crotty, the owner of a popular merchandise booth located outside the auditorium, noted that the atmosphere of the event was reflected in his sales. While Trump merchandise was in high demand and quickly selling out, DeSantis merchandise was placed in a discounted section, with baseball caps featuring DeSantis being sold for only $5.

Nidia Cavazos
