The American Federation of Teachers has joined forces with GPTZero, an AI-based identification platform.

company to offer free tutoring services to its members
The second biggest teachers’ union in America has joined forces with a business to provide complimentary tutoring services to its members.
A business that has the ability to identify instances where students are utilizing artificial intelligence.
to complete their assignments.
The AFT has recently entered into an agreement with GPTZero, a platform that utilizes AI to identify ChatGPT and other AI-generated material. This partnership aims to assist educators in monitoring and managing their students’ use of this emerging technology.
According to Randi Weingarten, president of AFT, ChatGPT could serve as a valuable addition to educators, but only if proper measures are put in place to ensure privacy and security.
“Collaborating with AI, rather than opposing it.”
Weingarten believes that there is definitely a role for AI in the classroom.
She stated that we have faith in its possibilities and understand that if we do not take precautions against its dangers from the beginning, we will face the same difficult changes that occurred during the industrial revolution.
According to Weingarten, utilizing tools such as those offered by GPTZero can assist educators in collaborating with generative AI instead of opposing it. This can ultimately benefit both students and teachers. Weingarten believes that trying to prevent technology and progress is futile. Instead, educators should learn to embrace and utilize it, which is the message being conveyed to members.
Edward Tian, a recent Princeton graduate, co-founded a company called GPTZero with a team of 15 individuals. This company has created resources for individuals who are both in front and behind the classroom.
Tian from CBS MoneyWatch stated that we are determined to work together to explore the potential uses of AI in educational settings. Our goal is to create GPTZero as the ultimate tool for teachers and students to effectively incorporate AI into their collaboration.
There are free versions of GPTZero products offered. The teacher’s union is covering the cost for access to customized AI detection and certification tools and support.
Using AI responsibly
In January, GPTZero was created to analyze text for AI usage. It has recently introduced additional features such as a tool for students to validate their content as being created by a human and to openly acknowledge when AI was utilized.
Tian stated that one of our main objectives is to prove that incorporating AI in education does not have to be confrontational. During the month of January, when things were just beginning, there was a belief that it was using a plagiarism model of simply copying and pasting material, which is not the appropriate approach in this context.
Tian stated his ultimate goal is to facilitate collaboration between teachers and students in utilizing advanced AI technologies while also addressing their potential negative impact. He emphasized the importance of working with educators to determine the appropriate role of AI in education and empowering students to use it responsibly.
Weingarten believes that AI can also benefit teachers. She states that teachers are not against technology and are already skilled at incorporating tech tools in their teaching methods.
She stated that AI technology has the potential to significantly decrease the amount of paperwork and bureaucratic tasks, as well as assist with creating lesson plans. While there is great potential, we must approach it realistically and not view it as a cure-all solution. It is crucial to establish ethical regulations to ensure it does not cause harm.
Source: cbsnews.com