Live updates for the 2023 Elections: Stay informed on the latest developments in today's races and important ballot issues.

Live updates for the 2023 Elections: Stay informed on the latest developments in today’s races and important ballot issues.

Today is the day of the Ohio elections and the topic of abortion is directly at stake.

Over a year has passed since the Dobbs ruling, and initial exit polls indicate that the Ohio voting population is unhappy with the reversal of Roe v. Wade, with nearly 40% expressing anger towards it.

Roe’s reversal is causing particular dissatisfaction among women, Democrats, and younger voters.

There are some who do not share this perspective. Those who identify as Republicans, conservatives, and white evangelical voters who voted in this election are generally content with the Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade.

The initial findings from exit polls show that a majority of Ohio voters believe abortion should be permitted in all or most situations in this election. This aligns with the results from recent CBS News surveys among the general population.

In regards to abortion, a slightly higher number of voters in this location have faith in the Democratic Party compared to the Republican Party.

Ohio voters are not only concerned about abortion, but also the state’s economy and finances.

A larger number of Ohio residents report their financial situation has worsened over the past three years, with the Republican Party being deemed more capable of managing the economy by Ohio voters, especially among those who have experienced a decline in their finances.

In the 2020 election, President Biden was defeated by a margin of eight points in Ohio. Currently, the majority of Ohio voters are not satisfied with his performance as president.

In 2024, we will have reached one year before the election, where President Biden will seek to be re-elected and former President Trump is currently the frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

A significant percentage of Ohio voters are not enthusiastic about the idea of Trump or Biden running for president: 40% of Ohio voters do not believe either candidate should be running for president.

The findings of the exit poll may be subject to change as CBS News receives additional data.

This CBS News Ohio exit poll includes in-person interviews with Election Day voters and interviews by phone, email  and text-to-web  invitations that measured the views of absentee/by mail voters and early voters. The surveys were conducted by Edison Research on behalf of the National Election Pool.

— Jennifer De Pinto and Fred Backus 
